So this is my first blog and for someone who grew up loving to write and wanted to be a writer for years, I am stumped on what to say! Who knew? I guess I will start by saying that life right now couldn't be better. I realize that is really cheesy and lame, but it's true. Getting engaged has been such a happy time for Chad and I and we are really excited to spend the rest of our lives together. Chad and I met a year ago through some friends that we actually don't talk to anymore. Pretty random I know, but hey, we got something good out of it! I was pretty skeptical to date Chad because he was really good looking and 32 and I thought there had to be something wrong with him if he was single. BUT...I guess the same could go for me right? haha. Anyway, we met at dinner for our first date and I was pretty much smitten right from the start. We went on a few more dates in the span of about 2 or 3 weeks and then decided that we didn't really want to date anyone else. It moved pretty fast and I was nervous because every relationship that moves fast tends to fizzle out, but we just couldn't get enough of each other. I thought that was definitely different and realized pretty early on that Chad was unlike any guy I have ever dated for sure. I knew that I was falling in love and he was too, and I knew after about a month that I wanted to marry him. WHOA pretty fast right? Well luckily we waited about a year to actually get engaged (smart thing to do) and here we are a year later planning a wedding for April.
Things that we love to do is hang out with our families, especially little Elsie girl! I love Elsie to pieces and you can find tons of pictures and notes about her on my sisters blog, but for some reason she cries every time Chad holds her. This is really random because Chad is actually better with kids then I am! You should see it, it's hilarious it's like it goes in slow motion. We put her in his arms and he talks to her in this little whisper of his best "baby" voice but it sounds more like a man trying to sound a bit breathlessly femmy (LOL) and she is good for about 30 seconds then she looks up at him and her little lip starts to quiver and all of a sudden she is just bawling! We're all like what is going on? Chad always says "Guess she isn't my buddy today". But, I guess we still can't get enough of this darling and hilarious little chubber :). Hanging out with my family is so fun for us, because I am really close to them and so is Chad. My parents like Chad more than they like me I swear! We do lots of fun things together mostly on Sundays and it really is a blast.
Right now we are working on making our litte apartment a home! We got new couches, a new bedspread, and we are working on getting a washer and dryer. Decorating a house is really fun and actually a lot more different than what is was like decorating my apartments when I lived alone. Men actually have opinions about what they want (well Chad does) and it is pretty interesting to see what they pick out. For instance, Chad picked out our bedspread and it is a celdon green with peach embroidered flowers and it is actually pretty girly! Who knew? Should I be worried? Nah! It's always nice to have a man who has a good eye for something pretty. LOL