We our now the proud parents of a darling little kitty named Chica who is 5 months old. We adopted her from the Humane Society on Election Day (yes we still made sure we voted that day of course). She is just the cutest little thing ever, with white fur and light orange ears (Chad says she looks like a devil cat from the back...haha) and a light orange tail. She never shows her claws, and she loves to cuddle. Last night as I was reading she was stumbling on the blankets on the bed and then came up to the crook of my neck and snuggled up right there and started purring immediately. That is love. I am so happy that we adopted this little bundle of furry sweetness, she makes our days and nights just that much more enjoyable. I'm sure I will have daily updates of how cute she is and how hilarious she is at the same time! The way they play, crawl in the weirdest spaces, and attack shoe laces is so funny! This is good parenting practice for Chad and I before we have the real deal one day! :)