Chad and I were married on April 23, 2011 and we moved into our new (and first) house in August located in Millcreek Utah. We spend a lot of our time decorating our house, going on trips to see friends and family, going down to my parents cabin, hiking when it's warm, and hanging out with our two kitties Chica and Tiny.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blogging Challenged

Just saying hello!

So, I am really "challenged" when it comes to this blogging business and I need a Veteran to help me!! I struggle with how to design my blog and how to upload pictures with messages underneath them. I also don't know why my posts have different font styles either. If you know me, I am really a technically stupid person with a cell phone from 1990! If someone can help teach me how to navigate this and make my blog cute like everyone else's I see, I would love the help! Chica my kitty sits on my lap and likes to put her paws on the keyboard (I think she thinks she is helping) but so far she hasn't done a darn thing! :) Here is a cute picture of her just being darling and one of us blogging. Don't mind I just got done working out where I sweat like a pig! She is just too cute not to take pictures of! My little baby........ till Chad and I have one (a real baby I mean)!

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