Chad and I were married on April 23, 2011 and we moved into our new (and first) house in August located in Millcreek Utah. We spend a lot of our time decorating our house, going on trips to see friends and family, going down to my parents cabin, hiking when it's warm, and hanging out with our two kitties Chica and Tiny.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Engagement Photos...oh boy....

So last Sunday Chad and I ventured down to Springville to get our engagement pictures taken. We had my dad take them (he did Heather and Dave's photo's and he is so talented) and we chose Springville because Chad has some family friends with some amazing property there. It was the first time Chad's mom met Joy and Larry! Thank goodness Larry was on his best behavior and my mom was there to ease my dad's awkwardness (love you dad haha). Most girls don't have a father with so many darn opinions on pictures, but since my dad was the photographer and he is an artist, I basically had to do whatever he said. First was my hair. OY. How I had my hair done was fine but it was "in my face" and he couldn't see my eyes apparently. Then, it was my outfits. "Interesting" was one of the comments I got. GEEZ. Then it was "your not going to wear shoes but Chad should". WTF? So we wanted a "country" outdoorsy theme that was really relaxed and a little bit "Southern". Apparently in the "Southern Country" the women don't wear shoes and the men get to wear boots. Mind you I am in a frilly polka dot dress (think circa 1950 but way cuter) and he is in a button down shirt, jeans and boots. It's like we are back to the days of the little bare foot wifey and the big strong man in his boots! haha. I seriously had to BEG my dad to let me wear my red high heels for 2 shots! You could hear Joy in the background "Larry just let her wear the shoes come on!" and poor Joleen thinking we are a bunch of weirdo's. She was probably thinking in her head "Wow....these people talk to each like they should be on the Jerry Springer show....DADDY LET ME WEAR MY SHOES! (think redneck southern accent) NO DARLIN THE WOMEN DON'T WEAR SHOES IN THIS HERE FAMILY!

To add to the wondeful fesitivies we fell in a pond filled with mud and crap! Yeah. Larry's brilliant idea was so get on the rickety dock of this pond that had swans in it. It seemed like a really pretty photo op, but this dock was a piece for sure. So we get on it and I cuss out loud (oops) and decide right away this is a BAD idea especially since I am in a white lace dress of Heather's. So, we are standing on this thing, trying to smile and look in love, and the swans are not coming towards us despite our best effort with fish food (swans eat fish food? huh?). So Tim, the property owner decided it was a genuis idea to get on the dock and lure the swans over and then he will leave so he isn't in the picture. Yeah right as he puts his foot on I freak! Am I the only smart person here??? Then for some unknown reason he starts stomping on the dock trying to level it out! UM WHAT?? So instead it tips completely and we all fall in! Lovely! Chad being the gentleman he is held me up mostly so I got only a bit wet, but he fell in completely and was covered in caked in it. Awesome. My face said it all in the photos (you guys are bright...NOT..). Looking back it was pretty funny, but after it happened I was pissed. REALLY pissed...and I didn't hide it much (although I tried). HAHA

Regardless, we got some good pictures (and some really bad ones) but mostly good ones and the effort was not for nothing. When I get around to it, I will post some of the better ones, along with the ones where we fell in the lake. I'm sure people will get a kick out of them :)


  1. K this story is hilarious! Love the memory you will have everytime you look at those pictures. By the way they turned out darling.

  2. You are so cute Ash!! I am so glad you started a blog. You need to send me your email so that I can add you to my blog. Yes, I am one of those "private blogs" so, we can keep in touch. I am so excited for you and Chad to be getting married. He sounds like a sweet heart.
    Love ya,
